Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Right route for overall success advised by Gurus

One should...
  1. Think Right
  2. Eat Right
  3. Exercise Right
  4. Sleep Right
  5. Speak Right
  6. Act Right
  7. Network Right
  8. Decide Right
  9. Be at the Right place at the Right Time
  10. Manage Right etc.
After all we are Humans...Right?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Working at a Start-up

Today Start-ups are in fashion and are hogging the headlines. They are also well funded and can afford to hire elite professionals like you. If you have received a call from a start up - here is how you can decide.

Should I work at a start-up?

1. Do you believe?

Do you believe in the team? Start-ups do not have rigid roles and routines. Often the vision, product and processes evolve. If you believe in the people - you will be enthusiastic and happy in adapting and contributing. Else you will be very frustrated. Very soon.

2. Are you ready to hunt?

Hunters have to hunt before they can eat. Likewise start-ups are new firms that haven't made profits/ revenues yet. They value and keep people who directly contribute to the business. Are you ready to do what it takes to make the business succeed? 

3. Are you a marathoner?

The real benefits from a start-up lie in the long run. If the start-up and you survive, you get huge responsibilities, immense learning and tremendous payouts. There are little or no benefits in the short run with a start-up. 

Check if you believe in the team, are ready to contribute in multiple ways and are happy to persist before you sign on with a start-up.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Maximizing Shareholder Value

Three drivers for maximizing shareholder value:
  • Clients
    • Build the right relationships
    • Deliver consistent value at all levels
  • Adapt and Innovate
    • Anticipate customer needs, especially in changing times
    • Create differentiation from competition
  • Collaborate
    • Ensure visibility across the organization
    • Share best practices internally and with your customers
    • Attract, retain and develop future leaders